In God of War Ragnarok, Svartalfheim is the realm of the dwarves. You’ll visit it early on in the game’s main story quest line, The Path, but at that early stage you won’t be able to get most of its many collectibles. Return to Svartalfheim after the credits have rolled though, and you’ll be able to collect everything, including 17 Lore collectibles, the locations of which are detailed below.
Related: All Lore collectible locations in Midgard in God of War Ragnarok
All Lore collectibles in Svartalfheim in God of War Ragnarok
All Lore collectibles in Aurvangar Wetlands
The Unsafe Roads Lore Marker is on the same island as the Remnant of Asgard (where the river turns 90° to the right). Access the island via a narrow channel at its northeast corner. Dock the boat, then turn left and climb up to the higher level. Turn right at the top, drop down, and the Lore Marker is right there next to a tent.
All Lore collectibles in Nidavellir
The Shopping List Lore Scroll is on the ground a short distance west of the blacksmith shop.
The Mining Glory Treasure Map is on a raised platform in the northeastern corner of the town. Use your Draupnir Spear to get up to it.
All Lore collectibles in Althjof’s Rig
From the dock, climb the chain, then use the wheel to bring the platform down to the middle level (not the bottom level). Use your Blades of Chaos to bring the closer platform down, then jump and swing across to the northeast. Blow up the barrel, then go through the gap. Turn left, climb up, and go through the gate. Drop down, blow up the barrel, go through the gap, then climb the structure on the right. From the top, you can smash through the weak floor below, and find The Squasher Rune Read on the northeast wall.
From The Squasher Rune Read area, send the elevator inside the crane up. Then go back to the start and use the wheel to send the grapple hook back up one level (but not to the top). Now climb up and use that hook to swing across. Climb up to the rig itself, then turn right. Use Sonic Arrows to destroy the two barrels, then shimmy around the corner, jump across, and climb down the chain. Use the wheel to send the grapple hook to the top, then go back up the chain. Turn left and swing across, tapping Circle as you swing, so that you smash through the wall on the far side. Turn to the right to find the Passion Lore scroll.
All Lore collectibles in Radsvinn’s Rig
The Climbing the Ladder Lore Scroll is next to some boxes, directly behind the rig.
All Lore collectibles in Modvitnir’s Rig
From the beach, climb up, then turn right and make your way up and around the structure. After you swing from the large crane, turn right and drop down to find the Warning Lore Marker.
All Lore collectibles in Dragon Beach
The Don’t Breath Rune Read is written on a wooden wall on the east side of the beach.
All Lore collectibles in Alberich Hollow
At the north end of the hollow there’s a Legendary Chest on the left, while to the right you’ll find the Fruits of Industry Treasure Map.
All Lore collectibles in Alberich Island
From the beach, use your Draupnir Spear to climb up on the east side, then turn right, and use a Sonic Arrow to break through the rocks on the left. Go through the gap, then use your Draupnir Spear to destroy the rock on the far side of the crane. Now swing to the wooden platform, then to the rocky island. The Washed Ashore Treasure Map is on the left under a gear.
All Lore collectibles in Lyngbakr Island
You can get the Regarding the Removal of Resources Lore Marker during The Weight of Chains side quest Favor. After destroying the first binding, climb back up and head west. Then climb the chain and turn right to find the Lore Marker.
All Lore collectibles in The Forge
Squeeze through the gap at the west end of the area with the Yggdrasil Rift, then go right and climb up to the right. The Dear Overseer Lore Scroll is in front of the little hut to the right.
Behind that same hut, The Forge Rune Read is on the wall to the right of the gate.
All Lore collectibles in The Applecore
From the Applecore Descent Mystic Gateway (or the Sverd Sands lift), follow the path down, then use your Draupnir Spear to get up the south wall and get the Demise of Dagestr Treasure Map.
Continue the long trek back into The Applecore then, when you reach the spiral section of the mine, go down a little way, then drop off onto the bridge to the northwest. Turn around, and go all the way to the bottom of the spiral, where you’ll find the Cooperation Lore Marker.
Go back up and head northeast, then crawl through the low tunnel. Go through the door, freeze the water trough, then swing across and turn left. The Vault Rune Read is behind the barrier, which you can destroy with a Sonic Arrow.
All Lore collectibles in The Jarnsmida Pitmines
It’s likely you got this one during the story, but if you didn’t, you’ve got a bit of a trek to get back to the Jarnsmida Pitmines from The Applecore. From the Jarnsmida Pitmines Mystic Gateway, climb the chain, then climb up onto the wooden platform and head west. Go through the low tunnel, then drop down, freeze the water trough, and swing across. Drop down to the left, recall your axe, then swing across under the crane. The Pit-Mine Rune Read is on the wall to the left.
About the author
Gavin Mackenzie
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